Author: Jay Lyonns
Creating a Quick Look AR product page in html
Easy web augmented reality with AR Quick Look
Joining bones in Blender
Render Freestyle outlines in Blender
Smartphone and device charging tips
As provided by Lawrence Finch on Apple’s discussion board:’s%20no%20reason%20to%20let,it%20from%20the%20power%20source. There’s a lot of myth and folklore surrounding charging iOS devices (or actually any device that uses Lithium technology batteries). A lot of it comes from the advice given for older technologies, such as Nickel-Cadmium or Nickel-Metal-Hydride batteries. None of this applies to Lithium, however,…
A-Frame Raycasting / Cursor triggers
Detect gaze to allow click
Blender TIPS
Keep pose, and delete armature: First, create the pose using the armature, or find a pose from your animation, then:
A-Frame Components
Proximity Sensor aframe-proxemic-component/examples/proximity-sensor/proximitytoobject.html at master · jorgecardoso/aframe-proxemic-component (
Normal Map creation
9.5. Normal Map ( Royal Skies sez it all in this video, however in Gimp 2.10.34, the Normal Map filter is located under Filters → Generic → Normal Map
Materials and Particles in A-Frame AR/VR
Values and colour management: <a-scene renderer=”antialias: true;colorManagement: true;sortObjects: true;physicallyCorrectLights: true”></a-scene> Sample Environments: Particle Systems: Versioning: Aframe 1.2.0 / SPE 1.0.6
Gradient Alpha in Blender